Notice for Employees Getting Tested for COVID-19 Next Week

August 13, 2020

August 13, 2020 - The Health Department will be on the Northwest Campus Monday, Aug. 17, from 1 to 4:30 p.m. to administer COVID-19 testing for athletes, faculty and staff. Thank you to everyone who called to make an appointment. Testing sign up is currently full.

A few quick reminders for everyone that scheduled an appointment:

  • If you need to cancel your appointment, please notify Stacey Ledvina at 352-395-5648 at least a day in advance so she can inform the Health Department and out of courtesy for additional persons who would like to get tested.
  • Because we are trying to stay 6 ft. apart and keep crowd size to a minimum, please arrive and check-in at your specified time. The process goes very quickly so there shouldn't be a lot of people there at one time. It's important that the Health Department stay on time and that this process goes as seamlessly as possible.
  • The Health Department will have several tables set up outside S29 for check-in purposes. Don't forget to bring some form of ID.
  • Please do not bring pets.
  • Masks are REQUIRED.

For questions or more information, call 352-395-5648.
