SF Leadership Provides Fall Semester Information at Wednesday's Town Hall Meeting

July 27, 2020

July 27, 2020 – As Santa Fe College continues preparations for the return on on-site instruction, President Paul Broadie II, Ph.D., and the SF vice presidents will hold a college-wide town hall meeting Wednesday, July 29, starting at 2:30 p.m.

The town hall will be live-streamed – similar to past convocations, graduations, special events and last month's budget presentation(Opens in new window) – not on Zoom as earlier reported.

The town hall will cover safety protocols, a projection for on-site student instruction for the fall term, procedures in the event of a COVID-19 exposure on any SF property and other topics of concern to the college community. Friday afternoon, President Broadie released a video message to the college community(Opens in new window), where he began to expose the college's plans for the upcoming term.

Alachua County Health Department Administrator Paul Myers will also participate in the town hall, providing additional insight on how the county is planning on addressing public health concerns as schools open up in the fall.

The college is planning to operate with a mix of in-person and online courses, focusing primarily on Career and Technical programs in the health sciences, public safety and other fields that require more hands-on instruction. Dr. Broadie said the college's five-level plan offers flexibility to adjust to the changing dynamics brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Students, faculty, and staff returning to the Northwest Campus, or any of the college's educational centers, will be required to wear cloth face coverings, practice physical distancing and comply with CDC recommendations to keep a clean work and school environment to mitigate risk.

Santa Fe College will open the fall term as scheduled on Monday, August 24.

Following the presentation, college leadership will participate in a question and answer session. Questions can be emailed to SF Communications Manager Jay Anderson at jay.anderson@sfcollege.edu.
