Santa Fe College Releases Levels of Operation Plan for the Fall Term

July 10, 2020

July 10, 2020 – Santa Fe College released a five-level plan for the phased in return to onsite instruction and student services. The college has been using a deliberate phased-in approach to returning faculty and staff since moving all operations online in mid-March.

SF President Paul Broadie II, Ph.D., released the following statement to the college community Friday afternoon.

Dear Santa Fe Family,

As we resume our phased-in return to campus, please expect to hear from your Vice President regarding your return date.

I would like to share with you the following important information. On July 29 at 2:30 p.m. we will host a town hall meeting, focusing on our college's reopening plans and addressing any questions you may have. This town hall will be conducted virtually, and details will be forthcoming.

On Tuesday, the Provost and I shared with the College Senate the attached chart, illustrating how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting our levels of service and our planning for the fall. We are planning to reopen at Level 3, with the Provost utilizing his discretion to approve additional in-person course offerings as warranted.

Our face covering (mask) protocol for the whole SF community can now be reviewed on the COVID-19 safety protocols page, and a procedure on reporting exposures is being finalized and will be posted within the next few days.

I would like to extend special recognition in the form of High Fives to several employees. Registrar Mike Hutley recently took the initiative to solve a problem and find an ingenious alternative for the college in connection with a contract that allows him to perform his job at the highest level while saving the college thousands of dollars. Another High Five goes to our Benefits Manager, Beverly Polk for continuing to keep our college engaged in professional development activities. A special High Five and happy birthday to Executive Assistant, Deborah Ackerman who as described by her colleague "is amazing and a behind the scenes hero." Those sentiments are echoed by her supervisor. Thank you, Deborah, for the profound impact you have on our college. And I would like to extend a final High Five to Frankie Lopez, our Assistant Controller and Consortium Accountant, who had zero findings on the Risk Management Consortium's Employee Benefit Plans audit for fiscal year 2019.

Congratulations to Gina Greenidge on the successful defense of her dissertation titled "Perceptions of black female student-athletes towards their academic achievement in Florida" and obtaining a PhD in Urban Higher Education from Jackson State University. Well done Dr. Greenidge!

I want to thank the entire college community for the major role you are playing to ensure the health and well-being of our community and society. Please wear a face covering (mask), wash your hands often and practice social distancing for your protection and that of others.

We are monitoring this situation as it evolves and will respond with measures that are in the best interest of our college, our community, and our society. Therefore, please continue to monitor our Santa Fe College website and our Today@Santa Fe for updates.

I ask that you continue to keep those that have lost their lives to the pandemic or been impacted in some way, in your thoughts and prayers.

Santa Fe Strong, Santa Fe Proud!

Take care,

