Health Sciences Announces New Options

June 30, 2020

Health Sciences is announcing two new exciting options for students interested in pursuing a career in health care.

  • Beginning in Spring 2021, Cardiovascular Technology (CVT ) will have two AS degree programs for students who want to work with patients in cardiovascular health. Interventional Cardiovascular and Cardiovascular Ultrasound will now be two separate programs. For additional information on these two programs, visit in new window). NOTE: BSC2085/L and BSC2086/L will be required instead of BSC2084/L. The program will accept CHM1030/L or higher or PHY1007/L or higher for the spring 2021 application.
  • Respiratory Care (RC) has traditionally admitted a new cohort annually every Fall term. Starting Spring 2021, RC will now offer the same AS degree in an evening/weekend format for those students who are working and/or have other weekday responsibilities. The new option will be six semesters. The traditional program will still be offered in the fall. For more information on this program, please visit in new window).
Applications for both Spring 2021 programs open on July 1st and close by 4:00 p.m. on October 1st.
We will be offering a conditional spring application for students enrolled in
1) CVT: BSC2086/L and/or PHY1007/L or
2) RC: BSC2084/L or BSC2086/L and/or HSC1000 during the fall 2020 term.