Take the Potential Return to Campus Student Survey!
May 29, 2020
This article is more than 4 years old and may contain outdated information.
Take the Potential Return to Campus student survey! Check your SF Outlook 365 email to get a personalized link to the survey.
Today, every student enrolled at SF in spring 2020 and/or summer 2020 is getting a
personalized email inviting them to participate in the Santa Fe College Potential Return to Campus survey. The survey will be live from Monday, June 1 through Friday, June 5. This
short survey is designed to make sure that SF students' voices are being heard as
we plan for to return to campus in some capacity as soon and as safely as possible.
The survey takes about 3 minutes to complete, and students are free to stop at any
point. Their answers may be combined with other student information, but responses
are confidential, and results will only be reported in aggregate and not connected
to any individual.