Notice of Rule Repeal 6.1

May 12, 2020

NOTICE OF RULE REPEAL: The District Board of Trustees of Santa Fe College, Florida gives notice of its intent to repeal Rule 6.1 at its regularly scheduled Board meeting on 6/16/20 on the SF Northwest Campus, 3000 NW 83rd Street, Bldg. S-332, Gainesville, FL 32606. TITLE/SUBJECT: Organization of Facilities Services. PURPOSE AND EFFECT: Rule is outdated and organizational structure is now captured in Procedure 2.2P: College Organization and internally within departments. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY: FS 1001.64(4)(b), (5). LAWS IMPLEMENTED: FS 1001.64(34)(44), 1013. To request a public hearing, contact P. Locascio at 352-395-5170 or within 21 days of publication of this notice.
