RUE Festival Student Projects Online Now

April 23, 2020

April 23, 2020 – Although this spring semester has been anything but "normal" Santa Fe College students, faculty and staff have persevered. As instruction and student services were moved online, every effort was made to salvage as many learning and enriching opportunities as possible.

One such tradition, the annual Research in Undergraduate Education (RUE) festival, is displaying this year's student projects. The oral presentation portion of RUE had to be postponed, but posters from thirty-six students showcasing an impressive breadth and range of research on a variety of topics are available now on the RUE webpage.

In addition to praising the students for their hard work during this unprecedented time, Provost Bonahue thanked RUE co-chairs Claire Orenduff-Bartos and Ramona Miller-Ridlon, as well as all of the faculty mentors and judges for their hard work in converting RUE to an online event. The provost invites the college community to take a look at the student research inspired by our faculty colleagues across the curriculum.
