Earth Week April 20-24

April 17, 2020


Community: Happy Earth Week!! Walking is one way to be kinder to the earth. In support of walking, many folks are making rainbows to put in their windows. Get creative with what you have, brighten up your community, and show us your rainbow. Also, kick off the week by checking out the Official Earth Day site, and tell us one thing that you will do this week and beyond to care for our home.

Share your handmade or up-cycled face mask with us! Be featured on our social media on Friday.


Art of Leadership: Powerful environmental leaders have always walked the planet, John Muir, Rachel Carson, Greta Thunberg and Dr. Vandana Shiva to name a few. Follow these folks for information and inspiration.


Diversity: Biodiversity is gold! Greater diversity ensures natural sustainability for all life forms. Learn about the status of our creature friends and how we keep each other safe. Speaking of friends, celebrate with the Santa Fe Zoo.


Health and Wellness: Contact with the earth is thought to reduce inflammation and it's free. Step outside, enjoy nature and get a break from the indoors. If going out isn't an option, close your eyes and listen, here or take a virtual forest bath, here. Feel the need to create? Take your drive and your trash and make a statement in your town, big or small.


Fun Stuff: NASA wants to test your knowledge, check out these quizzes to see what you know, share the wealth and tell us what you learn! It's always a good idea to check yourself. How big is your carbon footprint, and what's one thing you can do to make is a little smaller? Need to mix it up this weekend? Join a global effort and become a citizen scientist.
