Notice of Rule Amendment 4.2

April 10, 2020

NOTICE OF RULE AMENDMENT: The District Board of Trustees of Santa Fe College, Florida, gives notice of its intent to amend Rule 4.2 at its regularly scheduled Board meeting on 5/19/20. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and suspension of large gatherings, remote meeting arrangements are still being made as of the time of the publication of this notice. For information on how to remotely attend the meeting, please contact 352-395-5170 or TITLE/SUBJECT: Grading System. PURPOSE AND EFFECT: Add satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading options due to the COVID-19 pandemic. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY: FS 1001.64. LAWS IMPLEMENTED: FS 1001.64(4); 6A-14.0261(4), 6A-14.0301, FAC. Notice of rule development was published in The Record on 4/9/20. To obtain a copy of the proposed amendments or request a public hearing, contact P. Locascio at 352-395-5170 or within 21 days of publication of this notice.
