Use your Expertise to Engage the Local Community

February 17, 2020

February 17, 2020 – This is a call for faculty and staff at Santa Fe College to share your most interesting, most engaging and most favorite lectures.

Since 2014, SF has participated in Oak Hammock's Institute for Learning in Retirement (ILR). Each year, SF offers a series of classes, taught by our own faculty and staff, to the retired residents at Oak Hammock. Presenters agree to provide one 90-minute class, in which they involve a committed group of interactive life-long learners in interesting and relevant discussions. SF at ILR presenters can cover any subject and there are no tests, no grades, no prerequisites and no homework!

If you would like to participate as a presenter, please complete this online form SF@Oak Hammock Presentations(Opens in new window)

In planning the Fall 2020 SF at ILR calendar, we will work around the presenters' individual schedules.

For questions, please contact, Vice President for Student Affairs Naima Brown at
