Santa Fe College Announces the 2020 Women of Distinction Honorees

February 5, 2020

February 5, 2020 – The 2020 honorees have been announced for the annual Santa Fe College Women of Distinction and Promise(Opens in new window). This year's honorees are Natalya Bannister, Florida Bridgewater-Alford, Christine Janks, Vicki Santello and Lisa Tatum. The 2020 Woman of Promise is Joudi Ayroud. You can read more about the honorees on the Women of Distinction webpage(Opens in new window).

The 2020 Women of Distinction ceremony is set for Tuesday, March 24, at 11:30 a.m. at the Hilton University of Florida Conference Center. All are welcome to attend to help SF recognize over 30 years of exceptional women.

Tickets to the luncheon are $40 per person and reservations can be made online(Opens in new window), or by contacting Carol Wilson at 352-395-5206 or or Teri McClellan at 352-395-5201 or Reservations must be made in advance as tickets will not be available at the door.

Make your plans now to join us in celebrating these amazing women!
