Tips for Completing Your FERPA and Cybersecurity Training

November 6, 2019

November 6, 2019 – Earlier this year, Santa Fe College rolled out two new online employee training courses: FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) and Cybersecurity. These training courses are designed to give SF faculty and staff the information they need to protect student information and provide a fundamental understanding of computer security and their roles in protecting electronic information. Both trainings are mandatory for all SF employees, and continued access to college ERP systems (eStaff) will be contingent upon completion of the trainings.

Many SF employees have said that they are having problems completing the trainings. SF's Center for Academic Technologies (CAT) has come up with a list of tips to help employees complete both the FERPA and Cybersecurity trainings.

  • Use Chrome
  • Use a computer, not your phone or tablet to complete the training
  • Maximize your browser window
  • The trainings are interactive. You cannot just move to the end to speed through them
  • For cybersecurity, there are five trainings that are required
  • Go to Grades (on the left) and verify that you have 100 out of 100 for all five trainings
  • If you have a 0 out of 100 you have missed some interactive screen in the training
  • At the end of each training, you will get a "congratulations screen" telling you, you are done and can close the browser. You will have to close your browser after each training, then relaunch your browser to finish the other trainings.

Supervisors are responsible for making sure all of the employees in their areas complete the trainings. If needed, accommodations will be made for employees who do not have regular access to a computer. Because this training is required by the college, it is intended to be completed during the employee's work hours.
