Dr. Sasser's Invitation to PLS Participants

October 28, 2019

October 28, 2019 - Santa Fe College President Dr. Jackson Sasser is inviting all past participants in the President's Leadership Seminar to a special event. His message is below.

Dear Former President's Leadership Seminar Participant:

I would like to invite you to a session on Tuesday, November 5 from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. in S29/30 to explore principles and practices that were discussed in your President's Leadership Seminar. If you participated in a leadership seminar with President Larry Tyree, I also would enjoy your company.

The purpose of the meeting, of course, is to hold ourselves accountable to what we heard and what you have tried. We are never done learning about leadership because, as we discussed, it is situational and influenced by so many external and internal factors. We will remind ourselves of the core values leaders must have if success is to be sustained.

I hope your schedule allows you to join me and others in a fun and hopefully beneficial learning experience.

