Saint of Santa Fe | Chantel Hover

October 16, 2019

Hello, my name is Chantel. I am a recent alumna from Santa Fe College. I came here from Miami four and a half years ago. I had just left the fashion industry and I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do next in my life. It had been a long time since I had been in school. I was scared that I didn't have the grades to make it into a university. And so, I enrolled at Santa Fe College.

A lot of people sometimes look at community colleges or state colleges as some place you go to when you can't afford university. You know, as something that has a little bit less resources-it's kind of like that middle step. For me, Santa Fe was the biggest and best launching pad I could have ever asked for. I would have never thought to apply to an Ivy League school if it wasn't for Santa Fe. I would have never had the resources to help me put together the applications if it weren't for the professors that I had at Santa Fe. And I would have never found my passion if I didn't go to a school with a smaller environment, a school that could learn who I was and help me figure out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. And so, I will always be grateful to the people here at Santa Fe College.

– Chantel Hover, A.A. '19, Political Science
Currently studying International Relations at Columbia University in NYC
