Santa Fe College is Monitoring Tropical Storm Dorian

August 28, 2019

August 28, 2019 – The Santa Fe College administrators and the college's Emergency Management team are monitoring the path of Tropical Storm Dorian. Although neither the exact location of landfall, nor the intensity is known at this point, there is the potential for heavy rains and damaging winds in the SF service district.

All students, faculty and staff are encouraged to take whatever precautionary measures they feel are necessary to ensure their safety.

Because the storm is still several days away from potentially impacting the region, there are no plans to close the college or deviate from any normally scheduled activities at and SF location.

This would be a good time to log into eSantaFe(Opens in new window) (for students) or eStaff(Opens in new window) (employees) to make sure your emergency contact information is correct and up to date. If you have not downloaded the Safe Santa Fe app(Opens in new window), this would also be a good time to do so. In the event of any emergency, SF will contact you through whatever emergency contact information you have provided, or through the Safe Santa Fe app.

You can also monitor information about what Tropical Storm Dorian means for the SF community through the college's Alerts page(Opens in new window), in new window), or by monitoring the National Hurricane Center's webpage(Opens in new window).
