Saints of Santa Fe College – Johnny Wiggs

March 25, 2019

Johnny Wiggs, Saint of Santa Fe College for March 25, 2019.I knew baseball was going to be my sport and my ticket. I didn't dream about a bachelor's and master's degree. I always say, I couldn't spell master's degree; I sure didn't want one. That's my joke to recruits, but the punch line is: Baseball is a vehicle to education. I want my guys to dream like I dreamed, to be the inspiration and write it on their mirrors, but at the same time, to prepare forreality. Don't put all your eggs in the baseball basket. We always tell our guys that we want them to hit the trifecta here. Of course, we want them to be the best baseball player they can be. But the goal is to also be the best student you can be and the best person you can be. Athletics develops character, work ethic, toughness, and humility-because baseball, especially for hitters, is a game of failure and humility. It develops so much more than just wins and losses and championships and trophies and scholarships. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't play sports. I always tell our guys, this is your stepping stone to the next level, to the place you dream about. I know it worked out perfectly for me.

- Johnny Wiggs '87, Head Baseball Coach, Santa Fe Saints Men's Baseball

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