SF Office for Finance Issues Budget and Year-End Instructions

March 21, 2019

March 21, 2019 – Santa Fe College's Office for Finance has issued their 2019 year-end memo for departments needing wrap up budgets for the fiscal year. All deadlines are firm, so it is imperative as a department budget manager that you take particular care to determine how each deadline impacts your area and schedule accordingly.

If you need to order marketing items, Communications & Creative Services has specific deadlines for submitting projects into their office.

  • All brochures, posters, promotional materials, shirt designs, print items, etc. must be submitted to CCS no later than Friday, April 5, 2019.
  • All IDB's to CCS must be submitted no later than Friday, April 26, 2019.

For questions regarding Purchasing deadlines, contact david.shlafer@sfcollege.edu.

For information about the year-end instructions, or for Office for Finance deadlines, contact beth.groff@sfcollege.edu.

For questions about ordering items through CCS, contact communications@sfcollege.edu.
