Deadline for SF Presidential Search Committee Members is Tuesday, March 5

February 27, 2019

February 27, 2019 – Santa Fe College's District Board of Trustees is considering nominations of individuals to serve on the Presidential Search Committee. Interested individuals with an understanding of the role a college president serves should submit a single page letter speaking to their qualifications to serve on a search committee and why they are interested in participating. Those who would like to nominate another individual may provide the same information as noted above regarding qualifications in the same single page format and should also include an explanation regarding the reason why they are nominating the individual.

All nominations should be submitted to no later than March 5, 2019. Questions regarding the screening committee may be directed to the Human Resources Director, Lela Frye at 352-395-5420 or

Additional information is currently available on the SF Human Resources webpage(Opens in new window).
