SF Continues Racial Climate Study Survey

February 12, 2019

February 12, 2019 – Santa Fe College is participating in the National Assessment of Collegiate Campus Climate (NACCC) survey. The purpose of SF's participation is to get information from students about their experiences with race, not only at the college, but also in the community and throughout their lives.

SF strives to be an open, welcoming community, and the NACCC survey will be able to offer insight as to how students feel when they come to the college, and what events have influenced their world view.

Students will soon be getting emails from Dr. Sasser, Alejandro Puga and other members of the SF family through the NACCC, encouraging them to take the anonymous 15-minute survey.

The data collected over the course of the next month will help guide the college moving forward in order to increase access, inclusion and opportunity for all students.

SF faculty members should encourage students to check their official SF email account (their @go.sfcollege.edu account) and complete the NACCC survey. Emails will go out to students beginning Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2019. They will receive email reminders if they have not completed the survey.

Although completion of the survey is voluntary, the college encourages students to take part in this important survey.

Learn more about the NACCC online(Opens in new window) .
