Retirement Representative Coming to Northwest Campus

January 15, 2019

January 15, 2019 – As a courtesy to our employees, all of SF's retirement representatives are given the opportunity to meet with employees on campus upon their request. Here is the latest opportunity:

TIAA Associate Financial Consultant, Brian Berryman, will be on the Northwest Campus Thursday, Jan. 31, Thursday, Feb. 28, and Friday, March 1, in the Human Resources conference room. To schedule an appointment to meet with him on one of these dates go to in new window). Mr. Berryman will be glad to address issues including:

  • Are my investments properly allocated?
  • Am I on track to meet my retirement goals?
  • Am I saving enough?
  • How and from where do I draw retirement income?
  • What estate planning issues might I confront?

If you would like to discuss your current TIAA account, or would like to discuss other financial accounts, schedule a confidential meeting with Mr. Berryman by going to in new window) and clicking on the "Meet At Work" link. Additional questions can be directed to Brian Berryman at or 352-339-7116.

General Human Resources questions can be directed to Betsy Nunu at or 352-395-5205.
