Graduation Volunteers Needed

November 26, 2018

November 26, 2018 – Santa Fe College Fall 2018 graduation ceremonies are right around the corner, and volunteers are needed to help make the Nurse's Pinning and the A.A./A.S./A.A.S/B.S./B.A.S./Certificate graduation ceremonies the best yet.

The Nurse's Pinning is Thursday, Dec. 13, 2018, at 5 p.m. and the other degree and certificate program graduation ceremony is Friday, Dec.14, 2018, at 7 p.m. Both ceremonies will be held in the SF Gymnasium (Building V).

If you would like to volunteer to hand out programs, greet at the doors, assist with crowd control, serve refreshments, etc. at the Nurse's Pinning/Graduation, email Karen Knott at and she will provide more information.

If you would like to volunteer for the Friday, Dec. 14 ceremony, email Doug Bagby or Clarinda Choice at and for more information.

There is also a need for two volunteers to assist the Santa Fe College Police Department with transporting handicapped guests from their cars to the gym in golf carts. If you are interested, call Chief Ed Book at x5883 or Capt. Ryan Woods at x5920 for more information. Must be golf cart certified.

The deadline to sign up is Friday, Nov. 29.
