SF Model UN Brings Home Distinguished Delegation Award from Nationals

November 14, 2018

November 14, 2018 – Eight Santa Fe College students were in Washington D.C. from Nov. 9 – 11, participating in the National Model United Nations Conference. They portrayed the Republic of Indonesia in four committees: GA1, GA2, FOA, and the WHA. On these committees they addressed such topics as the management of chemical weapons technology, preserving urban biodiversity, and cooperative economic development among middle-income countries.

Competing against students from distinguished American four-year institutions and international universities, the SF students won Distinguished Delegation for their role at the conference.

The following students participated: Daphne Cavanaugh, Kathleen Conow, Liam Ford, Chantel Hover, Jordan McNeill, Amha Tesfaye, Jason Walters, and Christian Wertz. Their adviser, Dr. Jennifer Forshee, would like to thank them for their dedication, hard work, and their commitment to global citizenship.
