Public Safety Reminder from the Santa Fe College Police Department

October 24, 2018

October 24, 2018 – The Santa Fe College Police Department(Opens in new window) would like to remind as SF students, faculty and staff about safety regulations enforced by the SFPD.

When it comes to parking, anyone with an employee parking decal can park in any designated parking area other than police, fire or disabled parking. Students can park in any available parking lot marked by white lined spaces. The blue lined spaces are reserved for employees. In addition, parking lots 1 and 1A require a special permit. The speed limit on campus is 20 mph.

Bicycle traffic is restricted to roadways open to motor vehicles. Bicycle racks are provided and bicycles may not be taken into buildings or chained elsewhere.

Skateboards, roller skates, Segways and other non-vehicular personal transportation are prohibited.

All traffic and vehicle regulations are enforced by the SFPD in accordance with Rule 6.7(Opens in new window) and Rule 6.8(Opens in new window) of the administrative rules manual(Opens in new window).
