SF Wind Ensemble Presents Winds and Classics Sept. 27

September 21, 2018

September 21, 2018 - The Santa Fe College Wind Ensemble will perform the annual Winds and Classics concert at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 27, 2018, in the SF Fine Arts Hall.

Tickets are $15 for adults; $9 for seniors, children and University of Florida students; and free for SF students, faculty and staff with a valid SFID. For ticket information, call the SF Box Office at 352-395-4181 or visit the Fine Arts ticket website.

The evening's program will include:

  • The high-gear "Adrenaline Engines," described as a "rip-roaring sonic adventure"
  • "Colonel Bogey March," made famous in the movie "Bridge Over the River Kwai"
  • "Satiric Dances," featuring Mediterranean folk dance influences
  • "Nimrod" (from "Enigma Variations"), a concert ballad
  • "Rondo for Horn" by Richard Strauss, featuring Alex Partridge

The student musicians in the Wind Ensemble meet twice a week to rehearse with Music Professor and Band Director Dr. Steve Bingham for performances of some of the world's best wind band literature.

"The Wind Ensemble is a smaller group than a full orchestra," Bingham explained. "In the ensemble, one or two people play a part instead of 10 to 12 people in an orchestra. Playing in an ensemble is tougher on the musicians, because they can't hide!"

For more information about the concert, contact Dr. Bingham at steve.bingham@sfcollege.edu or call 352-395-5313.
