TIAA Retirement Consultant at SF Sept. 13-14

September 7, 2018

September 7, 2018 - TIAA Associate Financial Consultant, Brian Berryman, will be on Santa Fe College's Northwest Campus Thursday and Friday, Sept. 13-14. He will be available to meet with any interested individuals in the R-Annex Building, HR Conference Room. Berryman will be glad to address issues such as:

  • Are my investments properly allocated?
  • Am I on track to meet my retirement goals?
  • Am I saving enough?
  • How and from where do I draw retirement income?
  • What estate-planning issues might I confront?

If you would like to discuss your current TIAA account, or would like to discuss other financial accounts, you can schedule a confidential meeting by calling 352-339-7116 or
