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Student Affairs Symposium Monday Afternoon in the Fine Arts Hall

June 8, 2018

June 8, 2018 – All members of Santa Fe College are invited to attend this year's Student Affairs Assessment Symposium. The event beings at 2:30 p.m. Monday, June 11, in the SF Fine Arts Hall lobby.

The program includes seven short presentations (see below) to inform our colleagues about assessment practices utilized throughout the division and lessons learned from the assessments.

Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the program.

Department Title Presenter(s)
Admissions Instant Assessment: What we learned from Santa Fe Live Quinten Eyman & Rachael Jukarainen
Disabilities Resource Center Closing the Gap Kimberley Smith
Financial Aid Loan Debt Reduction Rhett Butler
Records Process Changes & Improvements on Student Traffic Mike Hutley & Ilsa Hernandez
Student Conduct Outcomes Assessment Dan Rodkin
Student Development Instruction Student Learning Outcomes in SLS1301 Kalpana Swamy
Student Life Black History Month Clarinda Choice