Santa Fe College is Tobacco Free

May 16, 2018

May 16, 2018 - Santa Fe College believes our students, faculty and staff deserve a beautiful, clean and healthy campus. SF wants to remind all students, faculty and staff that the use of tobacco and tobacco-related products is prohibited(Opens in new window).

The policy applies not only on the Northwest Campus, but also all land, buildings, facilities and other property in the possession of or owned, used or controlled by Santa Fe College and the Santa Fe College Foundation, including all of the SF Centers.

The policy covers all forms of tobacco and tobacco-related products including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco, snus and any other form of loose leaf smokeless tobacco), and the use of unlit products including e-cigarettes and vape pens.

SF students, faculty, staff, administrators, volunteers, visitors and vendors will not be allowed to use tobacco anywhere on SF property, including in their personal vehicles while on SF property. The designated smoking areas that were on the Northwest Campus have been transformed into picnic areas and smoking is prohibited in those areas as well.

Santa Fe College hopes you enjoy the healthier environment we are creating for you and the visitors to all of our locations.
