Santa Fe College Supports the March of Dimes

March 28, 2018

March 28, 2018 – Santa Fe College is proud to support the March of Dimes March for Babies. SF employees are encouraged to take part in this year's march at Celebration Pointe in Gainesville, Saturday, April 14, 2018.

Each year, nearly four million babies are born in the U.S., and each one needs us. The money raised during the March for Babies will be a lifeline for moms and babies near you and across the country.

Registration for the march begins at 7 a.m. April 14, with the kick-off at 8:55 a.m. for runners and 9 a.m. for everyone else.

You can also support the March of Dimes by donating to one of the Santa Fe College teams. SF currently has teams captained by Chris Sulander-Smith(Opens in new window) and Scott Jamison. You can also search the list of teams(Opens in new window) participating in this year's March for Babies.
