Santa Fe College Staff Top Students in Penny Wars 2017

November 20, 2017

November 20, 2017 – A late surge in fundraising by Santa Fe College staff members sealed the fate for the students in Penny Wars 2017.

On the line was a pie in the face of either Vice President of Student Affairs, Dr. Naima Brown, if the students won the war; or Student Body President Cale McCall if the staff came out on top.

Penny Wars, a fundraiser for the United Way of North Central Florida, raised a grand total of $559.42.

The winning team was determined by a points system. Coin money added to a team's score while paper money would deduct points. A penny earns a team one point, while a dollar bill takes 100 points from their overall score.

The students held a lead during much of the weeks-long fundraising war, but a strong and strategic effort from staff gave them the victory.

SF staff ended up with a score of 18,467 while the students finished with 1,612.

Friday, Nov. 17, students and staff gathered together outside the SF Fine Arts Hall to hear the results. Dr. Naima Brown deferred the pie throwing to Associate Director of Student Life, Doug Bagby.

Congratulations to everyone who helped make Penny Wars 2017 a success.
