SF Saints Resource List: After Irma FAQS
September 14, 2017
This article is more than 7 years old and may contain outdated information.
September 14, 2017 - Dr. Naima Brown, Vice President for Student Affairs, released the following resource list for faculty and staff to share with students:
I need food. Where should I go?
The SF food pantry will re-open Monday, Sept. 18 from 8:00 a.m. to Noon (12:00 p.m.) in Building H, room 104. Canned goods will be available for students impacted by the storm. If food is needed before Monday, please call 2-1-1 for the closest, open Food Pantry.
When should I expect my financial aid refund?
The College has begun processing financial aid according to the normal schedule outlined on the website. Even so, the Financial Aid office will re-open with a full staff Monday, Sept. 18. As always, and much more urgently after the hurricane, getting much needed funds to eligible students is our highest priority.
Where can I get a shower?
Students needing showers because of power outages may access the showers in the gym beginning Monday morning, Sept. 18 at 6:30 a.m. The gym will be open from 6:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Those using the shower are expected to bring their own towels, soaps and shampoo. The college does not provide toiletries and towels. In the meantime, Gainesville Health & Fitness is offering free showers to all community members in need. Visit https://www.ghfc.com for more information.
Where can I charge-up my electronic devices on campus?
Mobile charging stations with USB plug-ins and power receptacles will be available for students in the common areas of Buildings A, B, E, K, L, M, N, O, P, S, V, W and Y beginning Monday, Sept. 18. The charging stations have different adapters that will work with most phones and tablets. While the stations are provided for your convenience, please do not leave your phones and tablets unattended.
Where can I get help with anxiety, depression or other issues?
Students needing emotional support may visit the SF Counseling Center in R-227 or call 352-395-5508. The Counseling Center provides short term, solution focused counseling to SF students free of charge, as well as crisis intervention, outreach and consultation. The Counseling Center will re-open at 8 a.m. Monday, Sept. 18. Regular hours are 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. After hours, you may reach out to the Alachua County Crisis Center at 352-264-6789. The Crisis Line is a 24-hour telephone crisis intervention and counseling service offered by trained volunteers under the supervision of the Crisis Center Staff. Phone counselors are always available to listen to problems and participate in their solution.
I missed a quiz/test/assignment because of Hurricane Irma. What should I do?
Students impacted by Hurricane Irma should consult with individual faculty members for information on how to make up assignments, quizzes and exams. The Hurricane affected the entire campus community and faculty are open to working with each individual circumstance.
I am unable to attend classes because of Hurricane Irma issues. What should I do?
Students who are unable to attend some classes because of the after-effects of Hurricane Irma should inform each instructor and ask for options to make up class work, assignments, quizzes and exams.
I will not be able to complete this semester because of Hurricane Irma. What should I do?
If you have been impacted by Hurricane Irma to the point of missing a significant amount of classes or class work, you can file a petition for a Drop with Refund in the Records Office located on the Northwest Campus Building R-112. If approved, you will be dropped from the class(es) without penalty and issued a refund. You can view petition information, instructions, and download the form at /_media/sf/registrar/pdfs/DROP%20PETITION%20FORM.pdf. You may also contact Assistant Registrar Julia Jucker at 352-395-5445 for more information. Please note that for financial aid purposes, when you drop or withdraw from classes, it can cause you to lose financial aid, or require you to pay back financial aid to the federal government in some cases.
I am thinking about withdrawing from my classes this semester because of Hurricane Irma. What do you suggest?
Students considering withdrawal should contact their academic advisor to discuss options and impact. You may locate your academic advisor by logging in to E-Santa Fe and clicking on the degree audit. When you withdraw from classes, in some cases it can cause you to lose financial aid. Financial aid students should review information at https://www.sfcollege.edu/fa/process/satisfactory-academic-progress/.
What is the difference between withdrawing from a course and dropping a course?
A grade of "W' will be recorded on your transcript for withdrawals and will count as an attempt for the class. If you drop with a refund, there will be no evidence of the course on your academic transcript. For financial aid, when you drop or withdraw from classes, it can cause you to lose financial aid, or require you to pay back financial aid to the federal government in some cases. To keep financial aid, one of the requirements is to maintain a 67% completion rate. For financial aid purposes, a grade of "W" and a drop with refund both still count as an attempt in calculating your attempted vs. earned credit hours. It may, however, help you maintain the required 2.0 GPA to drop or get a "W" grade rather than a grade of "F."
Will dropping or withdrawing from my courses because of Hurricane Irma impact my eligibility to receive financial aid?
When you drop or withdraw from classes, in some cases it can cause you to lose financial aid, or require you to pay back financial aid to the federal government. Financial aid students should review information at www.sfcollege.edu/fa/process/satisfactory-academic-progress/. You may also contact the financial aid office by emailing financial.aid@sfcollege.edu, calling 352-395-5480 or coming in to R-122 to discuss how withdrawals may require an appeal to continue getting financial aid. All students receiving federal financial aid are expected to meet satisfactory academic progress standards (SAP). Students who aren't meeting SAP requirements may appeal to the college. If the appeal is for Hurricane Irma you must provide documentation which shows that the inability to maintain satisfactory academic progress was due to the Hurricane. Financial Aid Appeals process instructions are available at: http://sfcollege.get-counseling.com/flag-session/5095+5103
I am an international student. Will dropping or withdrawing from classes this semester impact my immigration status as an international student?
Yes. Please contact Angelica Suarez in the Office of International Education at 352-395-5504 or angelica.suarez@sfcollege.edu if you are an international student with concerns about the impact of Irma.
I am a Veteran. Will dropping or withdrawing from classes this semester impact my educational benefits?
Yes. Please contact Sandra Torres-Pintos in the Veterans and Military Success Services office at 352-395-5505 or veterans@sfcollege.edu if you are a student veteran using GI Bill benefits and have concerns about the impact of withdrawing or dropping classes due to Hurricane Irma.
My heart goes out to those that have been devastated by Irma. How can I help?
Students who are interested in volunteering should contact Sarah Blanc in the Office of Civic Engagement. She can be reached at sarah.blanc@sfcollege.edu or 352-381-3660.
I want to unwind. What does the College offer?
The SF Gym and Fitness Center will open for regular operations at 6:30 a.m. Monday, Sept. 18. Get back on track with your regular workout. Or visit the Rec Room in S-165. The Rec Room offers billiards, a lounge area, a large screen television, table tennis, cards, board games, video games, Wii console, Play Station 2 and Xbox 360.
I need transportation. Is the bus available?
RTS is operating its normal schedule to SF. Visit RTS at http://go-rts.com/.
Are you sure that the campus is safe enough for me to return?
The college will re-open only after a complete assessment of damage and a total restoration of services by our Facilities crew is done. Your personal safety is also important. Remember we have a police department open 24/7 in Building T on the Northwest Campus. We also have law enforcement who will respond to all SF locations in any emergency.
I am experiencing some concerns that are not addressed elsewhere on this sheet and I would like to talk with someone. What support is available for me at SF?
Students needing support with college issues may visit the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs in R-211 or call 352-395-5648.
Would you direct me to community resources that are available to assist me now that the storm has passed?
General help may be available by dialing 2-1-1. With 2-1-1, the United Way connects residents to critical health and social service resources. Resources include help with a household bill, food, and/or counseling for suicide prevention. The 2-1-1 help line is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You may also visit http://www.navigateresources.net/211CommunityResources/search.aspx to search for services by zip code.