Don't be square, join a Teaching Square!

August 17, 2017

August 17, 2017 – Santa Fe College faculty members are invited to learn about the Teaching Squares program on Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2017. There will be two sessions; one at 8 a.m. the other at 3:30 p.m. The Teaching Squares program provides faculty an opportunity to gain new insight into their teaching through a non-evaluative process of reciprocal classroom observation and self-reflection. Sign up at

The four-interdisciplinary faculty in each teaching square agree to visit each other's classes over the course of a semester and then meet to discuss what they've learned from their observations. By allowing faculty to be "learners" again in their colleagues' classes, Teaching Squares can open up unique spaces for reflection and conversation about their own teaching.

SF mathematics instructor Lorisha Riley enjoyed the process of learning. "Taking part in the new Teaching Squares program was an amazing opportunity for me, especially as a first-year educator. Being able to sit in on classes for other programs taught me so much and really challenged me to adopt new practices in my classroom. As a math instructor, it is easy for me to convince myself that I need to lecture for the entire class because there are so many examples to cover and formulas to teach and etc. However, seeing the students participate in their science and English courses encouraged me to adapt the practices of other instructors from different disciplines."

For more information about Teaching Squares, visit

If you are interested but unable to attend, email and put Teaching Squares in the subject line.
