Pay Dates Will Change In December 2017

June 30, 2017


To eliminate the gap between the December and January paychecks, the Santa Fe College Finance Office is changing the December 2017 pay dates to Dec. 15 and Dec. 29. All employees will receive one paycheck before the winter break and one paycheck during the break.

What does this change mean for you?

  • All employees except adjunct instructors will be paid approximately every two weeks instead of having a one-month break between pay dates in December and January.
  • The break between pay dates for adjunct instructors will be reduced from six weeks to one month-between the last paycheck for Fall Semester (Dec. 29, 2017, instead of a pay date before winter break) and the first pay date for Spring Semester (Jan. 31, 2018).
  • The semimonthly pay cycle will be consistent throughout the year, with pay dates occurring on the 15and last work day of each month.

Questions? Email or call the SF Payroll Manager, Chris Stenftenagel, at or 352-395-5218.
