Santa Fe College Police Sergeants Attend Prestigious Supervisory Training

April 24, 2017

April 24, 2017 - Two Santa Fe College Police Department Sergeants were selected for coveted supervisory professional development schools.

Sergeant Precious Ford graduated April 2017 from the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Leadership in Police Organizations class. This three-week class was held over three months (between February and April) in Gainesville.

Sergeant Mark Barley will begin attending the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Criminal Justice Executive Institute (FCJEI) Leadership Academy, Class #39, beginning in May. This will be a four-week course held over the next four months in our region.

Both of these classes require an application, are selective about who can attend and bring nationally recognized instructors. Both of these training opportunities are also "firsts" for SF as Sergeants desk Ford and Barley are the first graduates of these schools from the PD.

The SF Police Department places high emphasis on training and professional development for all of its members year-round in an effort to conform to best practices and help SF be as safe as possible.
