Walking Together for Stronger, Healthier Babies - April 1

March 21, 2017

March 21, 2017

It's March for Babies® season, and Santa Fe College would like you to join our team in support of the March of Dimes. Need a reason to walk with us? How about nearly half a million reasons: that's how many babies are born too soon every year in the United States - 21,846 of them right here in Florida. With you on our team, we can give families hope by raising money to fund lifesaving research and programs that help moms and babies.

Our goal is to raise $7,500.

To reach that goal, we need as many people as possible to sign up to raise money and walk. Can we count you in?

Getting started is easy. Just go here and click "join this team." If you cannot walk, please consider donating to an existing team! And check out our website.

Some exciting, upcoming events:

MOD Walk: April 1, Westwood Middle School

Little School Mini-March: April 4

Silent Auction: April 11 or 12

Candy, Candy, Candy…That yummy candy is being sold throughout campus!

March for Babies Team Captains: Scott Jamison, Debbie Blair, Christine Sulander-Smith, Susan Kincaid and Doug Bagby
