Safety Update: Electrical Appliances on Campus
February 23, 2017
This article is more than 8 years old and may contain outdated information.
A friendly reminder to all SF Staff and Faculty.
The following appliances are NOT allowed on any SF campus:
- Cup Warmers
- Hot Plates
- Space Heaters
- Immersion Heaters
- Tabletop Grills (panini press, George Forman, etc)
- Wax, Oil, Incense, and/or Potpourri Warmers or Burners
Individuals will be asked to remove any such items. Failure to do so may result in removal by Facilities Services.
The following appliances are allowed ONLY in kitchens, break rooms or designated areas:
- Electrical Kettles or Teapots
- Microwave Ovens
- Full-Size Refrigerators
- Toasters & Toaster Ovens
- Slow Cookers or Crock-Pots
Electrical appliances on College premises must adhere to the following standards:
- Must conform to the National Electric Code & Florida State Requirements for Educational Facilities
- Must be certified by a nationally recognized testing lab
- Must have a cord with a grounding prong or a polarized plug
- Must not adversely affect circuit electrical loads
- Must be located in an area suitable for its use and designed to accommodate it
- Must be connected directly to an outlet (power strips and extension cords are prohibited)
- Must be kept clean and free of dust, crumbs or other hazardous materials
- Must not be left unattended while in use, and switched off when not in use (refrigerators excepted)