Planetarium Hosts "The Multiverse and You"
October 19, 2016
This article is more than 8 years old and may contain outdated information.
Modern physics and the theory of parallel universes bewildering you? The Kika Silva Pla Planetarium at Santa Fe College may have something that can help. At 7 p.m. on Saturday, October 29th, the planetarium will be hosting a unique musical and visual presentation that will entertain and educate audiences about the possibility of multiple universes beyond our own.
"'Doctor GoodVibes' & 'Dean Smiley' are Ambassadors of the Multiverse, sent from GoodVibes Multiversity to help prepare humans for their coming awakening to "The Multiverse", the next REALLY big thing!", says James Albury, planetarium coordinator.
Using wild visuals and wacky music, GOODVIBES MULTIVERSITY explores the new paradigm just beginning to emerge on the cutting edge of human consciousness: "You are a multidimensional being existing in many realms at once, with multidimensional powers beyond anything you may have believed possible.", remarks Doctor GoodVibes. You'll be 'beside yourself' (get it?!) with glee as you discover why some branches of modern physics assert that "you're not the only YOU"! If you didn't think modern physics could be amusing, try this!
Ticket prices for this special event are $7.00 for adults and $5.00 for children, seniors and UF and Santa Fe College affiliates. Children 3 and under are admitted free of charge. Guests can purchase their tickets online in advance or at the door within 30 minutes before show time.
"We love hosting unique events in the planetarium and this will be a memorable experience for everyone. Also, since we're very close to Halloween, guests are encouraged to wear a Halloween costume to help express their "alternate-self"; within reason of course.", adds Albury.
To purchase tickets, visit the planetarium's website here.
For more information about the planetarium and the "Multiverse and You" presentation, contact James C. Albury, planetarium coordinator at 352-395-5381 or