Heart Walk This Saturday!

September 19, 2016

Santa Fe College has some great teams participating in the American Heart Association's Heart Walk on our very own Northwest Campus this Saturday morning at 8:00. A team photo shoot begins at 7:30 a.m.

Please consider supporting your colleagues' efforts to fight the nation's No. 1 and No. 5 killers - heart disease and stroke.

If you are able to join us on the walk or make a pledge, please click http://alachuaheartwalk.kintera.org/faf/teams/groupTeamList.asp?ievent=1150112&lis=0&kntae1150112=664A7C8AF5FE4A228784407DB7D19964&tlteams=6667657&page=view. You will find some great teams to join or support: Caesar the Braveheart (captained by Lindy Russell), Fearless Finance (Heather Domin), Lunch Bunch (Lisa Ciardulli), SF CTE (John McNeely), SF Facilities (Jesse Vander Biezen and Mike Christy), SF Pacemakers (Sharon Whitcraft), and Student Physical Therapy Assistants (Ellysia Mack).

Events like Heart Walk make a difference. Through education and research, the American Heart Association is working to build healthier lives for all Americans. Will you please support us?

Thank you in advance for your participation and your support! Life. Life is why we have the American Heart Association's Heart Walk.
