History This Week @ Santa Fe

July 25, 2016

July 24, 1973 – According to the Gainesville Sun, A counseling van went on the road, staffed by SFCC counselors, visiting area communities

July 25, 1968 – Roland Davis set a record for completing SFCC in 5 terms. SFCC operates on a year round calendar allowing students such as Davis to enter a University in a little over a year after HS graduation.

Jul 27, 1997 – SFCC to offer classes in Melrose, Hawthorne, Archer and High Springs

July 28, 1998 – According to the Gainesville Sun, The Santa Fe Zoo knows that animals also need ways to beat the heat; SFCC Zoo works to keep its animals cool for those not used to heat. This may mean misting, or offering some other form of cooling system.

July 29, 1998 – Florida 4-H Congress held at SFCC
