History This Week @ Santa Fe
April 26, 2016
This article is more than 8 years old and may contain outdated information.
April 28, 1990 Abandoned Gainesville railroad depot becomes SFCC Downtown Center.
April 28, 1990 English and Media Studies Professor Stephen Robitaille's new Expedition Florida documentary, "The Wild Heart of Florida" premiers on ABC affiliate TV-20. Robitaille says, "The film follows noted Florida nature writers and photographer in the wild landscapes that inspire their art."
April 24, 1994 High percentage of high school graduates must take remedial english, math, reading classes at SFCC.
April 30, 1994 Lynn Rousseau, deaf student graduates from SFCC with honors is profiled.
April 29, 1997 Gainesville Sun reports SFCC president Larry Tyree wins community service award.