Today @ Santa Fe Requests

April 22, 2016

Some faculty and staff may not know that TODAY @ Santa Fe compiles our information from events and news that are sent to us daily, all day long. We also send out various Press Releases and PSA's to let, not only the local audiences inside and outside of campus, but the world around us, know what's going on here at Santa Fe College, the Number One College in the Nation!

What you think is important and interesting, may be important and interesting to others as well. Not all that is sent to TODAY will be published, but a great deal of it just might! Depending on what the information is, it may be placed on a separate department page online as well. All that is accepted is subject to editing and AP rules. Pictures may be accepted as well, but some rules may apply, so email us with your pictures and we can contact you if necessary.

To send us your events or information, please send directly to We look forward to hearing more from you in the future!
