Put The Spring 2016 Graduation Ceremonies On Your Calendars

April 14, 2016

Santa Fe College will hold Spring 2016 Commencement at the Northwest Campus, April 28 and 29. Eileen Klein, President of the Arizona Board of Regents and SF alumnus, will serve as special guest speaker at the Friday, April 29, 7 p.m. ceremony.

The Nurse's Pinning and graduation ceremony will be held Thursday, April 28, 2016 at noon in the gym. Students graduating with an A.S., B.A.S., B.S., and VCs will walk during the Friday, 3 p.m. ceremony and students graduating with an A.A. will walk during the Friday, 7 p.m. ceremony.

Tickets are color-coded and required for both ceremonies on Friday. Each SF graduate will receive four tickets in advance. Tickets can be picked up in the S Building lobby Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. before April 15.

Guests must present tickets to enter the gym. Guests without tickets may view a live-stream of the ceremonies in the SF Fine Arts Hall or in the E Building Auditorium. Once the processional begins, the doors to the gym will be closed. Anyone arriving late will be directed to the Fine Arts Hall or E Building Auditorium.

For more information about Graduation, visit www.sfcollege.edu/graduation. For ticket information, please call 352-395-4170.
