Educational opportunity related to ending DROP

February 24, 2016

Are you currently in DROP and have questions? Will you soon be ending DROP and need answers? Do you have questions about retirement planning related to what happens after DROP? If so, please consider taking part in an optional, after hour's educational program provided by Art Nangle, of VALIC on "Ending DROP, Do you have questions?" This program is being offered on March 14, starting at 4:30 in S-29/30 on the Northwest Campus. Employees and spouses are welcome. VALIC will also sponsor a dinner buffet catered by Napolitano's, therefore advance reservations for employees and spouses are required. To reserve your spot please Click here to register no later than March 10.

NOTE: This is not a solicitation or sale of services but merely an educational opportunity provided by an approved investment vendor. Santa Fe College does not endorse or promote the services of any of the college's approved investment providers.
