Santa Fe College selected as host-site for College Goal Sunday

January 25, 2016

CGS!Florida is a statewide program that provides free information and assistance to families applying for college financial aid. The program was established in 1989 and has evolved from a one-time event offered in the state of Indiana to a national effort including 40 states and the District of Columbia and over 10,000 volunteers dedicated to assisting students and families in accessing financial aid for college.

Santa Fe College will host CGS on Sunday, Feb. 21, from 2-4 p.m. in the Big Open Lab (Building N, room 216). Taxes do not have to be filed in order to complete a FAFSA. Please take advantage of this free, professional assistance. Participants will be entered into a drawing for a scholarship.

Supporters of the CGS!Florida program include the following:
Florida Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (FASFAA)
Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA/FLDOE)
National College Access Network

If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact the event coordinator by email at
