Popular "Children's Holiday at Santa Fe" Returns on Dec. 5, 2015, in Fine Arts Hall

November 29, 2015

Now an annual Gainesville tradition, the popular "Children's Holiday at Santa Fe" will again welcome Santa Claus with dancing sweets, hip-hop elves, multicultural winter holiday songs, crafts, cookies and punch at 2 p.m. Sat., Dec. 5, 2015, in the Fine Arts Hall at the Northwest Campus of Santa Fe College, 3000 NW 83 Street, Gainesville, Florida 32606. Last year's event was nearly sold out, so people are encouraged to get tickets early.

Children 12 and under are admitted free and there must be at least one adult for every three children. Adult tickets are $15 in the orchestra and mezzanine, $12 in the balcony, and $9 for seniors. Tickets may be purchased online. Call the Box Office at 352-395-4181 to reserve free tickets for children.

The diverse, high-energy program will feature members of the Dance Theatre of Santa Fe in a celebration of sweets throughout the world from the second act of "The Nutcracker" ballet. Children will thrill to dancers in the Kingdom of Sweets-ruled by the Sugar Plum Fairy-with chocolate from Spain, tea from China, coffee from Arabia, candy canes from Russia, and Mother Caramel and her marshmallows. Appearing for the first time this year are the dancing Silver Belles!

The second half of the entertainment program features the Santa Fe Singers performing "Frosty the Snowman" and songs from the Disney movie "Frozen."

Frolicking elves will enliven the proceedings and a visit from Santa Claus will add to the excitement.

After the program, children will gather in the lobby to create winter holiday crafts including ornaments and dreidels and enjoy cookies and beverages with Santa, the elves, and other characters in the show.

"A Children's Holiday at Santa Fe" is sponsored by the SF College Fine Arts Department; the SF College Foundation and Arts Patron program; the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture; Visit Gainesville, a Tourist Development Tax Grant from the Alachua County Board of County Commissioners in conjunction with the Alachua County Tourist Development Council; and Gateway Grand Best Western.

For more information, call Alora Haynes at 352-395-5296 or Raul Villarreal at 352-395-5355.
