Test your sewing skills with Community Ed

June 9, 2015

Make your own custom pillowcases and designer placemats, or make a personalized simple tote bag with zipper, appropriate for cosmetics, crayons, jewelry, and more through Community Education's Simple Sewing two-day workshops.

Select from dates:
Simple Sewing: Home Decoration
2 Tuesdays, starts 6/9, 6 - 9 p.m.
Northwest Campus, A-28
Fee $54
Simple Sewing: Take Along Tote
2 Tuesdays, starts 7/7, 6 - 9 p.m.
Northwest Campus, A-28
Fee $54
For more information or to register, call Community Education at 352-385-5193, or visit the website at http://bit.ly/R2jgdw .
