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Free massage and Subway lunch at 2015 health risk assessment

March 30, 2015

Sign up now for Santa Fe's Annual Health Risk Assessments, which are scheduled April 1, 2, and 3. A Massage Therapist will be on-site all three days at the Northwest Campus and at the Downtown Center on April 3.

This is a college sponsored event and all full-time employees should be afforded the opportunity to participate as part of their normal work day.

All full-time employees who participate will be awarded a FREE Subway Lunch voucher. All participating employees enrolled in the colleges group PPO, HMO or HRA Health Care Plans will be eligible to receive $25 Gift Card from a selection of over 100 vendors.

Assessment times and scheduling information is listed below. If you have any questions or need scheduling assistance call the Human Resources Benefits office at 395-5066 or 395-5191.

Scheduling Link:
