Two SF students win awards at Model UN

March 19, 2015

This past weekend, a group of Santa Fe College students attended the 44 annual Model U.S. Senate at Stetson University. Two SF students won awards.

Lorin "Izzy" Rudin-Rush won a "Best Senator" award. The award recognizes his strong knowledge of the legislative process and his passionate work in fighting for a piece of legislation in his committee and on the floor of the Model Senate, in addition to his overall high level of participation and accurate portrayal of the views of Senator Jean Shaheen, whom he had been assigned to portray.

Zachary Jones won an award as a member of the "Best Committee." In his role as Senator Mike Crapo, he played contributed mightily to the professionalism of the mock Committee on Environment and Public Works, helping the committee to garner this award.

We should be particularly proud of these honors because most of the other students at the Model Senate were from four-year schools, and most were juniors and seniors and veterans of upper-level courses on Congress. Our students made up for the gap in experience with extra study and preparation, as well as by working hard in the Model Senate. They showed a high level of self-confidence and the ability to stand up for themselves and make a difference.
