Legislative Update by AFC President Dan Rodkin

March 10, 2015

Higher Education Bills in the 2015 Florida Legislative Session

A Presentation by Dr. Dan Rodkin, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs at Santa Fe College and 2015 President for the Association of Florida Colleges (AFC)

April 1, 2015 Noon - 1:30 p.m. in S-029

Discussion will cover legislative issues and bills under consideration by the Florida Legislature:

  • Funding for education in general and the Florida College System
  • FCS baccalaureate degrees
  • Guns on campus
  • Textbook sales tax exemption.

As time allows, we will also discuss federal legislation impacting the community college system:

  • Pell Grants
  • Higher Education Tax Provisions
  • President Obama's recent America's College Promise proposal
  • The DREAM Act
  • Re-authorization of the Higher Education Act
  • Veteran's services
  • Federal funding for community college programs

This presentation is one week before AFC Legislative Days, an opportunity for Santa Fe employees who are members of AFC to travel to Tallahassee for a professional development experience centered in legislative issues. Participants will spend the afternoon of April 8 learning about the legislative process, and will spend April 9 at the Florida Capitol meeting with legislators to tell the story of how the work they do on campus changes lives and keeps Florida working.

Interested in attending AFC Legislative Days? Contact Santa Fe's AFC Chapter President, Tom Mason.

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