Santa Fe College Professor Named in "Top 20" in Field

March 9, 2015

Santa Fe College instructor, Erik Hushelpeck has been named among the "20 Top Cardiovascular Technology Instructors" by

A 1998 graduate of the Cardiopulmonary Technology program, Erik has been a part of the CVT program since 2004 and currently holds the full-time instructor position for cardiac catheterization and acts as co-instructor for the cardiac electrophysiology program content. Erik holds much specialized experience, and has worked extensively with the Invasive Registry Exam Committee with Cardiovascular Credentialing International (CCI), to include being the exam chair for six years and is also a Fellow with the Society of Invasive Cardiovascular Professionals (FSICP).

According to the awarding site, professors and directors who exhibit professionalism, commitment to education, and desire to help students are amongst candidates. In such a growing field, the demand for well-educated graduates is essential. A special mention on the site was made in reference to Erik, for his years of experience when explaining various criteria considered for this recognition; this experience allows him to provide a more precise and relevant instruction. Santa Fe is fortunate to employ such distinguished instructors as Erik, who is a step above in providing quality instruction through experience, sending out well-equipped health care workers entering the field. A "Top 20" professor ( for a "Top 10" college (The Aspen Institute) - a good fit indeed!
