Sponsor a Foster Care Child or Teen for Christmas

November 14, 2014

Sponsor a Foster Care Child or Teen for Christmas through WISH UPON A STAR.

Wish Upon a Star benefits more than 1,000 local children who have experienced abuse or neglect,  to make their holidays a little more merry. Many of them cannot be home for the holidays because home is not safe.
Each year, Santa Fe College students, faculty and staff help make their wishes come true! Groups, clubs, classes, departments and individuals select stars listing each childâ?Ts name, age and three wishes, making a commitment of $50 per child.
Pick up a star at the Building S front desk. Sponsors agree to wrap, package together, affix stars and return gifts to the Building S lobby on Monday, Dec. 1.
A group photo of all gifts collected and sponsors will be taken at Noon on Tuesday, Dec. 2 in the Building S breezeway, then gifts will be loaded into Student Life vans for delivery to the Partnership for Strong Families community collection at Northwest Baptist Church.
Departments, clubs, classes or groups who would like a Wish Upon a Star representative to make a presentation to answer questions and bring stars for review and sponsorship are invited to contact Kimberly Buchholz in the Office of Civic Engagement or  Brittany Betancourt, Service Corps Project Leader, to schedule an appointment.
Kimberly Buchholz, OCES Specialist
S137, 381-3660
Brittany Betancourt, Service Corps Vice President
Wish Upon a Star Campus Outreach Coordinator